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 15 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"Seti I"Advanced Search
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'The Body of Sethos I Who Lived in the 14th Century B.C., Cairo, Egypt', c1930s. Creator: Unknown.
Egyptian Statuette of King Seti I offering image of Maat, New Kingdom, c13th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Sety I, Ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty, 13th century BC (1926).  Artist: Winifred Mabel Brunton
Head of the mummy of Sety I, Ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty, c1279 BC (1926).  Artist: Winifred Mabel Brunton
Limestone relief of Pharaoh Seti I, Karnak, Egypt, c1290-c1279 BC. Artist: Unknown
Painted relief of Sethos and Isis-Hathor, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Painted relief of Sethos before Osiris, Temple of Sethos, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Sethos I and his son Ramses II worshiping their ancestors, Abydos, Egypt, c1900.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
The mummy of Sethos I (1394BC-1279BC), Cairo, Egypt, 1905.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Pharaoh Seti, Capture of Slaves, Luxor, Egypt Artist: Unknown
Wallpainting of Sethos I before Horus, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Wallpainting (detail) of Sethos I before Horus, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Painted relief of the Pharaoh before Thoth (Ibis-headed god), Temple of Sethos I, Egypt, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Painted relief of Sethos before Anubis, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Interior of the Horus Chapel, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown